Beginners Guide-to Home Organizing

Hey Friends!! We are running full force into 2020, and life and work are picking up pace as always. Did anyone else make New Year’s resolutions that have already fallen to the wayside, or better yet, you didn’t make ANY resolutions at all…(that would be THIS girl right here!)

   Guess what ya’ll? THAT IS OKAY! Yes you read it right, and it’s time someone says so! We put too many overbearing or unattainable promises and expectations on ourselves sometimes, and then we beat ourselves up when we don’t get things done.  This year instead of resolutions, I wrote out my goals, manageable and realistic goals that I can actually stick with and progress toward completing throughout the year.  I don’t know about you, but I am the type who will dive in to conquer a million things and maybe 3 get completed!! I know ya’ll can relate!! 

My point is this, I am a Mom, Wife, business owner, & professional organizer, with a really busy schedule,and I have to take the advice I give my Clients! It’s like I tell them, get rid of the guilt Ladies and Gentleman; this life is about progress, not perfection. The house, the schedule, the kitchen cabinets will never be perfect, and they don’t HAVE to be!

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you’re stressed out, delirious, drained, or scattered you are in the right place. Tidy Spaces is here to help coach and teach you how to live a more productive, ORGANIZED life.  It all starts with you taking the first step to change, and you wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t want and need a change, right?!

Well friends I am here to help you start this journey and live your best life in 2020!!

This guide is the Beginners Quick Start to Home Organizing, and I will be covering 5 quick and easy steps for beginners or newbies to organize your home so you can get the jump-start on a less stressful, and more peaceful life at home. Plus you can keep that clutter to a minimum in the process. So, LET’S GO!!

I always tell my Clients to begin their organizing focus on the space or room that is causing the most stress or anxiety. Maybe it’s the bathroom cabinets that need an overhaul, under the kitchen sink, the junk drawer in the office; it doesn’t matter what it is, and these organization tips apply to all spaces. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up and download Tidy Spaces FREE -DECLUTTERING HOME CHECKLIST! It will help keep you on track as you get your feet wet on your decluttering tasks.

Okay Sister, declutter checklist in hand? Coffee by your side? Favorite playlist to bring out that Organizing Queen in you?!!


Now, before you tackle this step, you need to carve out the proper time and focus to accomplish this task. It is key to complete this project beginning to end, so make sure your give yourself plenty of uninterrupted time to finish your steps in organizing the space. Remove every single item,every paperclip, chip bag, rubber band, old toothbrush, (seriously though) from the space. It will probably be a mess, don’t faint, it may be a little overwhelm but you’ve got this!


Now that you have removed the clutter it’s time to sort and purge your items.  Make sure you have a trash bag handy, and a bag or box for donations if necessary.  Be honest with yourself as you declutter your items.  Honestly ask yourself the last time you used the item. If you have completely forgotten you even had it, chances are it can GO. Ask yourself if it’s something you actually use, and how often. If you only use it once in a blue moon, you can likely say goodbye. Don’t keep junk you don’t use; this is going to help you maintain your organized space in the future, because only items you truly need or use will stay!


After you have purged what is unnecessary, & or no longer needed or serving a purpose in your home, it’s time to group similar items together. LIKE-WITH-LIKE. For example if you are organizing a bathroom drawer, put hair ties together, bobby-pins, nail-polish, lip-gloss, dental items, and so on.  Under the sink? Dish washing items go together, sponges, washcloths, cleaning products by type etc.

4.      Now for the FUN part: ORGANIZE!

Now that you have done your item grouping it’s time to put things back, nice, neat, and where they are easily accessible to you and your family.  During this step it is really important to thing about how your family and you do things, factor in your routines and place more important items where they are easy to get to, working smarter, not harder my friends!! 

And by the way if you did purchase an organizer, drawer liner, or bins I recommend starting small if this is new for you.  I tell my Clients not to purchase containers or product until after they have ruthlessly purged.  You may not need as many bins/containers afterward, and it saves you some money!! Keep it simple when starting out.

If you need help deciding what type or which organizing products to use, we will talk about that in another post!  I am a total nerd for bins and containers so I have lots of likes and opinions on the topic.


Label time friends!! Every group of items should have a smart new home in their space, so take the time to label each category/group.  This is really helpful with children, spouses, and maintenance later down the road. Labeling takes the guess work out of WHERE to put things and reducing a piled up mess later when you are in a hurry. Feel free to get creative and use chalkboard style labels or your label maker, I love both!

Okay Friends ! When you are finished, take a step back and SMILE, you are awesome, and you should feel like a weight has been lifted! Getting organized truly is therapeutic.  Old items that take up space and clutter your life carry over into our psyche. Get rid of the clutter friends! 

Tidy Spaces mantra for the year is, “2020 Vision”.  I had this epiphany Thanksgiving of last year on vacation with my husband and I cannot wait for you to join the Tidy Spaces organized team.  This is a year of intention, of focused tasks, decluttering yourself, your life, your home, your bills, your papers, your business, everything. 

It is time to make room for the “NEW” you!!  So excited to have you join us on this journey to a better life. Be sure to let me know how your first declutter project went, and then repeat the process on the next space or room.

Be gentle with yourself too you guys, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and getting organized takes time. I’m so proud of you for taking action and taking responsibility to live your best life! 


Must.GET. ORGANIZED. (1).png